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Evolve IT Blog

Evolve IT has been serving the Saratoga Springs area since 1995, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

The Computing Advancements of the Past 60 Years are Mind Boggling!

b2ap3_thumbnail_storing_data_400.jpgData storage has always been an important part of the business world, but it’s one of many areas where innovation has yielded overwhelming results. Technology that exists today could never have been created 50, or even 20 years ago.

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What it’s Like to Have Your IT Company Go the Extra Mile

b2ap3_thumbnail_more_vendor_agreements_400.jpgThe appeal of a do-it-yourself project is that you’re the one doing the work. With the Do It Yourself (DIY) approach, whatever it is you're working on, you know for sure that it’s getting the attention it deserves. This is why it can be rather unnerving to have someone who you don’t fully know or trust work on your stuff. This is especially the case when it comes to your company’s technology.

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How Going With These 3 Technologies Now, Will Save You Money Later

b2ap3_thumbnail_useful_new_tech_400.jpgWhen it comes to procuring technology for your business, you’re often presented with two choices: save money by going with technology that’s been around for a while, or spend a little more to get the latest and greatest on the market. It’s tempting to go with the cheaper option, but, in the long run, it generally pays to go with the latest solutions, thanks to an IT concept known as “future proofing.”

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Domino’s Ushers in New Robotic Age of Pizza Delivery

b2ap3_thumbnail_pizza_robot_400.jpgRobotics is a technology that’s influencing many different types of industries. Robots help surgeons with surgery, work in manufacturing environments, and so much more. Now, the application of robotics has given birth to one of the most important technological advances to the modern world: pizza-delivering robots.

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After the Apocalypse, Data Stored On this Crystal Will Be the Legacy of Human Civilization

b2ap3_thumbnail_data_storage_with_light_400.jpgData systems are always looking to improve the way that data is stored. The efficiency of your data storage systems is a crucial part of managing your data infrastructure, and there’s a constant search for ways to improve the way that it’s done. Scientists are now turning to the field of optoelectronics to develop new ways to store incredible amounts of data, for enormous amounts of time.

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4 Growth Scenarios Your Network Needs to Be Prepared For

b2ap3_thumbnail_growth_strategy_400.jpgNaturally, businesses put a lot of time, energy, and resources into growing their sales figures and bottom line. All of that is great, but if business owners don’t also plan for how success is going to add new pressures and challenges to their IT infrastructure, then a lot of time will be wasted reacting to growth-related network issues. Scenarios like this can be easily avoided by planning your network to grow alongside your company.

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Professional Athletes Now Connected to The Internet of Things

b2ap3_thumbnail_nfl_internet_of_things_400.jpgProfessional sports have a unique relationship with technology. On one hand, the games are steeped in tradition and one doesn’t make a change to the rules without risking a fan uproar. However, the latest technology has always been a part of the sporting world, enhancing the fan experience and changing things for the better. The National Football League provides us with a great example of this dynamic.

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Beyond Jargon: What Does “Enterprise-Level” Mean?

b2ap3_thumbnail_what_is_enterprise_400.jpgWhen you’re shopping around for new technology for your business, you’ll encounter all kinds of solutions that are designed for different business models. As a small business owner, you probably wonder why some vendors label their solutions as “enterprise-level.” Well, we’re here to explain that.

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What Can Your Business Learn From Uber’s Successful Use of Technology?

b2ap3_thumbnail_uber_is_growing_fast_400.jpgAt a tradeshow event last month Travis Kalanick, co-founder and CEO of Uber, was interviewed about the future of Uber and transportation. He replied with a bold vision that speaks to how much technology has the potential to change things. According to Kalanick, “Every car should be Uber.”

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As It Turns Out, Millennials Might Be Useful for Professionals After All

b2ap3_thumbnail_can_you_benefit_from_milennials_400.jpgMany business executives are skeptical about employing millennials, particularly because of misconceptions that they’re unwilling to work hard and have no manners. However, just like many individuals out there, these thoughts aren’t necessarily founded, and some business owners are finding it particularly fruitful to hire millennials. The reason? They have a knack for working with technology.

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Hackers, Take the Wheel

b2ap3_thumbnail_hack_new_cars_400.jpgHackers are always looking to take advantage of the latest technology in new and unexpected ways. The Internet of Things is making their job way easier by providing a plethora of Internet-connected devices. Among these devices is the automobile entertainment system, and, you guessed it; hackers can take control of that, too, if given the right circumstances.

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Tip of the Week: Protect Your Network By Blacklisting Malicious IP Addresses

b2ap3_thumbnail_know_your_ip_400.jpgLike your fingerprint, your computer’s IP address holds the key to your identity. Okay, it may not be as unique as your fingerprint, and you may actually use multiple IP addresses every day, but still, your IP address says a lot about you. What do you need to know about your IP address?

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6 Apps to Help You Know What Your Competition is Up To

b2ap3_thumbnail_track_your_competition_400.jpgHave you ever wondered how your competitors are doing but haven't gotten up the nerve to ask them yourself? With these six apps, you’ll be able to keep track of what other people are saying about your competitors, as well as what they are saying about you.

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Can a Robot Win the Pulitzer Prize?

b2ap3_thumbnail_robots_writing_stories_400.jpgTo maximize your business' communicative abilities, you need to produce content. Content is found almost everywhere and it is an essential variable in every form of written communication. Innovators don’t miss out on the importance of content, and have developed content-writing software. Yet, this poses an important question: can a robot truly imitate prose written by a human?

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Has Performance for Consumer PCs Finally Peaked?

b2ap3_thumbnail_moores_law_2015_400.jpgThe world was vastly different in 1965. The smooth, compact smartphones and laptops of today were nonexistent, and civilization was on the verge of experiencing a revolution of technological growth and advancement. This is all thanks to Moore’s law, which paved the way toward making technology smaller and more easily accessible for both end users and businesses.

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