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Evolve IT has been serving the Saratoga Springs area since 1995, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

New CryptoJoker Ransomware is No Laughing Matter

b2ap3_thumbnail_problems_with_ransomware_400.jpgToday’s various versions of ransomware are dangerous. By forcibly locking down important files on a victim’s computer, threats like CryptoLocker and CryptoWall are posing significant threats to both businesses and ordinary computer users. However, a new type of ransomware has appeared called CryptoJoker; and we assure you, there’s nothing funny at all about this one.

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Tip of the Week: Here’s Our Checklist to Know if You’ve Been Hacked

b2ap3_thumbnail_identifying_hackers_400.jpgBusinesses that have online dealings should always be aware of how much danger their operations are in, especially with the omnipresent threat of hackers. Depending on the severity of the hacking attack, some organizations might not even know they’ve been hacked until it’s far too late. It’s critical that your business is able to identify potential threats before they’ve caused irreparable damage to your infrastructure.

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How Data You’ve Forgotten About Can Come Back to Bite You

b2ap3_thumbnail_dark_web_is_back_400.jpgBusinesses utilize a ton of data in order to keep operations running smoothly, but what happens to data that’s unused? Are they files that are potentially sensitive in nature? If your dark data isn’t being stored securely, it could be at risk of data compromisation, or worse. Therefore, it becomes critical to address your business’s dark data issue before it becomes an even bigger problem.

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Study: 2015 Saw a 27.3% Increase In New Malware

b2ap3_thumbnail_malware_everywhere_400.jpgCyber security continues to be a major pain point for small and medium-sized businesses, even if they’re taking the fight to the latest threats with solutions like antivirus and firewalls. Significant progress has been made, yet new threats are born every day. In fact, you might be surprised to find out that a monstrous 27.3 percent of all malware in the world was created just last year. 

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Tip of the Week: Know What Email Spoofing is So You Don’t Get Taken

b2ap3_thumbnail_email_spoofing_400.jpgHave you ever been the target of an email spoofer? This can be a difficult question to answer, especially if you don’t know what you’re looking for. Email spoofing can appear to be from legitimate sources, but the most important indicator is if the message looks like spam or fishy in general. If you ever receive a message like this, you might wonder why your spam filter didn’t catch such an obvious trap.

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Hackers Take the Law Into Their Own Hands, Is This a Good Thing?

b2ap3_thumbnail_vigilante_hackers_400.jpgIn 2015, we saw countless hacking attacks against major corporations, from health insurance providers like Blue Cross Blue Shield and Anthem, to government offices, like the United States Office of Personnel. Due to the stigma associated with hacking, we often forget that there are a lot of hackers out there who try to use their skills for good--or, at least, less awful purposes.

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Alert: Don’t Call Fake Technical Support Hotlines Provided By Malware

b2ap3_thumbnail_tech_support_bomb_400.jpgComputer users, beware; there’s an intrusive malware spreading across the Internet that’s capable of locking users out of their web browsers and redirecting them to fake IT support phone numbers. The hacker’s goal is likely to steal sensitive information from users, so it’s especially important that you don’t call this fake phone number.

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Tip of the Week: 5 Giveaways that You’re Being Baited With a Phishing Scam

b2ap3_thumbnail_phishing_scams_400.jpgPhishing attacks grow more common every day, particularly because it’s so challenging to know who’s for real and who’s a fake on the Internet. The anonymity of the Internet has fostered an environment where hackers can extort money with little fear of getting caught, under the right circumstances. How can you protect yourself and your business from being targeted by phishing attacks?

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3 Reasons Why Your Small Business May Be In a Hacker’s Crosshairs

b2ap3_thumbnail_comprehensive_cynersecurity_400.jpgHere’s a surprising fact for October’s Cyber Security Month: small businesses are at a greater risk of a hacking attack. Many small organizations feel that they’re not a target for hackers due to their size, but this is what hackers want you to think so you’ll focus less on securing your network.

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Your Identity Can Sell On the Black Market For Somewhere Between $1-$500

b2ap3_thumbnail_black_market_dark_web_400.jpgOctober is Cybersecurity Awareness Month! With the number of data breaches growing every day, one has to wonder what hackers do with all of the information they steal. In some cases, the hackers go public with the information, as seen by the recent Ashley Madison and Sony hacks. Other times, however, hackers just want to use the information as a bargaining chip on the black market. The theft of passwords, usernames, Social Security numbers, and other sensitive information is a very lucrative market for hackers.

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Warning: CryptoWall Targets Businesses and It’s Just as Nasty as Its Cousin, CryptoLocker

b2ap3_thumbnail_cryptowall_400.jpgIn the wake of a ransomware takeover, it seems like the world can’t go a few months without some sort of data loss disaster occurring. The antics of hackers grow more dangerous and difficult to dodge, and IT departments have their hands full dealing with the fallout. What’s keeping you from contracting this ransomware, and how can you keep your business from suffering its consequences?

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You Don’t Want to Get Caught in the Middle of a Hacking War [VIDEO]

b2ap3_thumbnail_hacker_wars_400.jpgWhen you see the results of a major hacking campaign on the news, you might tend to sympathize with the victim. While most hacks target individuals or high-profile businesses, hackers have, for the first time, intentionally targeted each other. The attack in question occurred between Naikon, a cyberespionage group, and another group called Hellsing.

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Hackers Turn to Radio Signals to Get the Data They Want

b2ap3_thumbnail_radio_signal_400.jpgYou should never assume that your data is safe from a hacking attack. Just like how the technology industry is working toward new ways to protect the public from hacks, those who lurk in the gutters of the Internet are trying to undermine these developments by any means possible. Some security professionals believe that even radio signals can undermine network security.

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